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Curious to know “What is Diabetes?” and how does it occur and to know whether it is curable or not?
Let me quickly go through the topic and in this article you are going to learn all the above things that I have mentioned and more than them.
Let me inject this topic into your brain like spoon-feeding. Because everyone should be aware of this disease and should take action to prevent it from coming to your life.
If you already have Diabetes, I’ll explain in detail how you can effectively control Diabetes. Let’s step ahead.
Please don’t skip any of the lines and read till the end because the information you are going to get is very crucial.
First of all, let me be clear with you that Diabetes is a non curable disease (except Gestational Diabetes) for a lifetime. Once you get it, all you have to do is control it as we cannot cure Diabetes. Don’t be so afraid as it is not too dangerous unless you neglect it. I know the people who lived for a hundred years having this disease.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a state of body condition where your blood levels (blood sugar or blood glucose) are too high.
In a normal person, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin which is a crucial source where the glucose collected from the food we eat was sent to our body cells. This is where we get energy by eating food.
For a person who is diseased with Diabetes, the amount of insulin released by the pancreas will be negligibly low or not even get released due to the high amount of blood sugar/glucose levels. This is why we mostly call “Diabetes” a “Sugar Disease” and the Scientific name is “Diabetes Mellitus”.
Before moving to the Ways to control Diabetes. Let us know more about Diabetes in detail by knowing its types and symptoms.
Diabetes Types And Symptoms
There are 3 types of Diabetes we have in general. Here are the 3 types. Lets
- Diabetes Type 1
- Diabetes Type 2
- Gestational Diabetes
1. Diabetes Type 1
In Type 1 Diabetes, the pancreas does not make or release insulin. Not even a small amount though. This case is mostly rare and it is seen mainly in children. Adults rarely have this Type 1 Diabetes. A child/person suffering from Type 1 Diabetes has to inject insulin daily to survive.
Symptoms :-
- Observed mainly in children – this is a rare case and is also mostly seen in children right from birth or at any age because of parental genetics.
- Drastic Weight Loss – This is a clear sign to say that the child is diseased with Diabetes. When there is high blood sugar levels, the energy released to our body will be quite low and hence they become quite inactive and drastically lose weight unknowingly.
- Immediate Ejection of Food (Food Vomiting) – As there will be no more energy released, every system will become inactive including the digestive system, we can observe immediate ejection of food in the form of vomiting.
Well, there is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes as of now. Hope we get a cure for Diabetes in the future. There is no threat to life with Type 1 Diabetes unless you stop taking insulin daily.
2. Diabetes Type 2
In Type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas produces insulin but is negligibly low, which is not sufficient to produce the required energy for our body. Type 2 Diabetes is mostly seen in adults. People aged above 40 will commonly have this. In this, the need for insulin depends on the amount of blood sugar levels you have. Consider having a general checkup by the doctor. So that you can know whether you require insulin injection or any other medicines.
Symptoms :-
- Observed mainly in adults – This happens mainly due to a high intake of foods containing sugar. We cannot say that this was the only reason for Type 2, as there are many factors like stress, lifestyle and as well as genes.
- Healing of cuts/wounds becomes slow – as a result of high blood sugar levels, the blood flow becomes slow and this causes nervous damage which makes it hard for the healing of cuts/wounds.
- Vision Blur – When all these things like high blood sugar levels, low blood sugar and nervous damage etc. lead to many dangerous effects including your vision blur. Over time your eye sight will decrease and this can be the main symptom for identifying Diabetes.
- Early hunger – When you are diagnosed with Diabetes, you feel hungry earlier than at your regular time. This is because the energy produced to your body will be less compared to the food you intake at every interval.
- Weight Gain – In the case of Type 1 Diabetes, there will be weight loss but in the case of Type 2 Diabetes, you will experience weight gain due to Obesity.
- Heavy Urination – This can be a common symptom for all types of Diabetes. However, this is mostly observed in Type 2 Diabetes.
3. Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes is seen in pregnant women. We have heard in many scenarios that women in pregnancy get Diabetes. Yes, it’s true, because women have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. We don’t have to worry much about that, as in general Gestational Diabetes goes away after the woman gives birth to her child.
Symptoms :-
- Observed only in Pregnant women – As I have stated the reason for this Diabetes in Pregnant women, due to high blood sugar levels. It will be more frequent in pregnant women, so there is no need to worry much as it is temporary.
- Dizziness – This is the main symptom of identifying Gestational Diabetes in pregnant women. Dizziness means feeling like a sensation of headache, auto head rotation, tired, etc.
- Feeling more and more thirsty – You don’t feel much hungry but you will feel more thirsty when you are suffering with Gestational Diabetes. This can be the main symptom of checking whether you are diagnosed with Diabetes or not.
10 Ways To Control Diabetes
As I said before, we cannot cure Diabetes (except Gestational Diabetes) but we can control it. I was going to tell you the 10 perfect and effective ways you can try to control your Diabetes in a very small span of time. Let’s get started.
1. Sleep Sufficiently
You may wonder how proper sleep can control Diabetes. Well, I will answer you my friend. Well, this is the first prior thing you should do when you are trying to control blood glucose. Proper sleep is not only good for controlling blood glucose levels. It can have a great impact on many health conditions.
Proper sleep helps you in proper functioning of the body. This results in proper blood flow and reduction of blood glucose levels, which results in control of Diabetes.
The best duration of a proper sleep is 7 to 8 hours. It will be more effective when you take short naps at regular intervals at day time. Trust me, this task requires no effort from your side but performs fabulously in controlling the blood glucose levels.
2. Having High Vitamin and Protein Foods.
Having high Vitamin and Protein Foods like Almonds, Fish, Broccoli, Strawberries, Leafy vegetables, Raw Vegetables etc. have a great impact on controlling Diabetes. Consider having a dietitian and getting a proper diet to control blood glucose levels.
Broccoli and Strawberries are fiber rich food items. Consider eating them as a daily diet at regular intervals of time.
Some of these things are hard to eat but they will give you great results. Gradually try to habituate them and keep tracking your blood sugar levels.
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3. Low Intake of Carbohydrate Foods.
Generally, carbohydrate foods are converted into sugar (glucose) when they are digested. So, when there is an increase in glucose content, this will automatically lead to an increase in blood glucose levels.
Consider avoiding high carbohydrate foods like junk food, high sugar containing items (sweets, bakery items), dry fruits etc..
I know it’s hard to control eating sweet items. But it is necessary for leading a healthy life. Stay in control and avoid eating these items as much as you can.
4. Drinking Water
This might sound weird. But this is the best practice to control Diabetes.
Water has many natural advantages for controlling blood sugar levels. It has the potential to regulate blood sugar levels in a very glorious manner as it acts as a key role for the proper functioning of the body.
One should drink a minimum of 4 liters of water a day. If you need an accurate amount here is the exact amount to be drunk by an individual. A report given by NAS – National Academics Of Sciences.
- Adults should drink 3.7 liters of water a day.
- Children should drink 2.7 liters of water a day.
This doesn’t mean you should drink only the said amount. You can drink more than that but not below that.
5. Regular Exercise or Playing a Sport
Did you exercise regularly? Maybe not. Exercising or playing a sport regularly acts as a great boost to control Diabetes. When you exercise, there will be a great pressure for your muscles and the muscles use your blood sugar directly for generating energy. This results in amazing control of blood sugar levels.
I suggest you to go for jogging or running daily to see the best results. Or join a gym to get the best workouts as per your requirement.
6. Manage Your Tensions
I can surely say that stress is one of the most dangerous things for the rise of many dreadful diseases like blood pressure, diarrhea, several mental diseases and including this Diabetes.
Why do you feel worried or tense? Let things go “the way they go.” Here is the perfect image for not worrying about every small thing.
Do not increase your pressures at any cost. Take a gap and try to sort it out instead of worrying about it. Meditate whenever you feel tense or worried. Being peaceful can reduce your blood sugar levels.
7. Yoga
Yoga acts as an all rounder for Diabetes. Many days back there were many campaigns conducted in the name “Yoga For Diabetes”.
Yoga is a process where you get relief from your muscles, nerves and stress as well. There are many online courses for Yoga you can have a try. Yoga is one of the best practices to control blood glucose levels.
8. Quit Smoking
You know what! more than 8 million people of the world population die every year due to Tobacco related problems. Out of that, 7 million people are the one who uses tobacco directly and the remaining 1 million people who are affected indirectly by the exposed smoke of cigarettes and other Tobacco products.
Smoking also has a chance of increasing Type 2 Diabetes by nearly 40-45 Percent. So now you get a clear picture of “Consequences of Smoking”. I request you to stop smoking immediately and get rid of many problems including Diabetes.
9. Have a Regular Checkup
I don’t think you will have a regular checkup. Do you? A regular checkup is a must and should thing when you are diagnosed with Diabetes. Consult the best doctor in your locality and try not to miss any appointments with him.
Keep tracking your blood sugar levels monthly or twice in 3 months. Maintain your blood pressure levels below 129/79. Blood pressure also has an impact on blood glucose levels.
10. Don’t Neglect Medications
Even though you follow all the steps I said. You should not neglect taking medicines from time to time or day to day.
Things don’t work well every time as expected. But medicines do. Use medications as prescribed by the doctor and try not to skip any of those.
If you have Type 1 Diabetes, please don’t neglect a single day without having the Insulin injection, because it will be a threat to your life. And the same in the case of Diabetes Type 2, don’t neglect as you don’t have a great risk, who knows what happens in the next second? It may be insulin or medicine or whatever, depending on your requirement. Please don’t neglect them.
Conclusion – Believe In Yourself
I’ll say this every time. You should believe in yourself to make these things come true. As time passes, you might get distracted when maintaining your daily diet, checkups and medications etc. But you should stay on the same track without stepping out of it.
I wanna say something more but it’s a lengthy script for now to continue. You should not lose patience and effort to control blood sugar levels. I hope you will make this dream come true and you will lead a happy life.
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